Zwei Personen winken aus dem Slow Mobil Fahrzeugfenster.

SV Foundation: healthy nutrition for all

The SV Foundation supports projects that promote a healthy and affordable diet for the Swiss population. Being able to eat healthy and inexpensive food is not easy for everyone. That is why the SV Foundation is committed to ensuring that balanced food is affordable for the general population – children, young people, women and men of all ages.

Together with SV Group AG, the SV Foundation is the successor organization to the “Schweizer Verband Soldatenwohl” (Swiss Association of Soldiers’ Welfare), founded in 1914. The SV Foundation is the guardian of the founding association’s idealistic values and focuses its activities on corporate and social responsibility. It performs two tasks.

One foundation, 
two tasks

As the supporting foundation and majority shareholder, the SV Foundation ensures the social anchoring of SV Group AG. At the same time, as an independent grant-making foundation, it promotes a wide range of projects that make an effective contribution to healthy, affordable nutrition for the general Swiss population.