Zwei Männer führen ein Gespräch bei einem Tisch in einem hellen Café.",

We build on strong partnerships

In promoting our economic, environmental and social sustainability, we do not go it alone, but rely on trustworthy, specialized and strategic partnerships with suppliers, organizations and institutions. These collaborations motivate us time and again to improve even further and set ourselves measurable goals. 

Arbeiterin im Gemüsegrosshandel, die eine Kiste mit Salatköpfen hält.

Sustainable supply chains for our restaurants

Together with our main suppliers, we are constantly working to make our supply chains more economical, ethical and environmentally friendly. At the same time, they help us to ensure our high standards.

Ambitious and measurable sustainability goals

We work with organizations and institutions to develop strategies and measures that help us achieve our ambitious sustainability goals.


Person beim Pflücken von Pflanzen im Grünen.

Our strategic sustainability partners

WWF Switzerland

WWF Switzerland is probably the best-known environmental protection organization in this country. In 2012, we entered into a comprehensive environmental partnership with WWF Switzerland. The main aim of our partnership is to further promote sustainable nutrition and environmental protection.

Swiss Animal Protection (STS)

The Swiss Animal Protection STS is committed to ensuring that pets, farm animals and wild animals live in an animal-friendly way. We have been working closely with the Swiss Animal Protection STS since 2016 to promote animal welfare in Switzerland and abroad. We have jointly defined amitioned goals for the use of animal welfare meat.

Fairtrade Max Havelaar

The Max Havelaar Foundation awards its seal of approval to fairly traded products, thereby promoting fair trade with producers in disadvantaged regions of the Global South. As an official catering partner of Fairtrade Max Havelaar, we have been continuously expanding our Fairtrade range for over ten years; for example, the 110 tons of coffee that we serve annually in our 300 establishments bear the Fairtrade Max Havelaar label. 


As an international climate protection organization with Swiss roots, myclimate offers individual industry solutions and climate strategy consulting for companies. myclimate supports us in calculating our CO2 footprint and in developing science-based CO2 reduction targets.


The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is an organization that supports companies in setting and implementing science-based climate targets to limit global temperature increases to below 2°C. We have committed to joining the SBTi and will submit our emission reduction targets for validation by the end of August 2024.


Beelong helps food brands and catering companies to create transparency about the environmental impact of their products. With ECO-SCORE® by Beelong, which we have introduced at SV, we can show our guests the environmental impact of the menus. This gives them the opportunity to choose sustainable meals. ECO-SCORE® by Beelong rates menus according to criteria such as carbon footprint, water consumption, land use, biodiversity, seasonality, endangered species, animal welfare, packaging, distances traveled and food transportation.

Swiss Triple Impact

The Swiss Triple Impact Assessment (STI) is a program launched by the organization B Lab Switzerland. It aims to help companies in Switzerland measure and improve their social, environmental and economic impacts. The STI program helps companies align their activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). After successfully completing the program, SV Switzerland was included in the STI Directory in 2023. With this inclusion, we have set ourselves four ambitious goals for the future, which can be viewed in the CEO Commitment Letter and also directly in the directory.

The Swiss Society for Nutrition

The Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE) is a non-profit organization that provides scientifically sound and independent information on nutrition based on the Swiss Federal Government's dietary recommendations, and communicates this information in a practical way. As a member of the SGE, we follow its recommendations for a healthy diet.

Hiltl Academy

Our biggest lever for reducing CO2 lies in adapting our eating habits towards a mainly plant-based diet. This requires our chefs to have the ability to whet guests' appetites for plant-based dishes. To this end, dozens of SV chefs are now undergoing further training at the Hiltl Academy every year.


Frau von hinten, die einen Kompass in den Bergen hält

Working conditions that are impressive

We want to be a reliable and fair employer for our employees, offering attractive employment conditions and future prospects. This also includes looking after the physical and mental health of our employees and promoting equal opportunities.

Our partners with whom we promote the well-being of our employees

  • Movis: social counseling and training on various health topics
  • Vivit: Advice on the development and expansion of occupational health management (OHM) topics. BGM training, workshops, operational analyses, management coaching, collegial case consultation and webinars
  • Health Promotion Switzerland: Label Friendly Workspace, network conferences, tools and training for BGM projects and measures
  • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW: Leadership training courses "My first leadership role" and "Leadership Plus"
  • Groupe Mutuel: Daily sickness benefits insurance, voucher for BGM measures of CHF 100,000/year, case management
  • AXA: Daily accident benefit insurance, case management
  • Disability insurance: support for reintegration measures with daily allowance benefits and job coaching
  • SIZ Care: Network conference, employment law advice
  • First aid centers: first aid training for head office employees and company managers
  • Hirslanden Headache Center: Annual campaign on the subject of migraines and information event
  • L-GAV: Training offensive (financial support for further training in the catering sector)